Monday, December 10, 2012

Hagia Sophia and the bite

The Hagia Sophia. Nuff said. I cannot and will not be able to express in words how truly resplendent it is, I only wished its walls could talk for I could then sit and be regaled by stories of centuries ago. I will allow my photos to speak for itself.

Oh but for the cold! The kind of cold that permeates to the core of your being, with a bite of a bulldog that will not let go. If you're imagining it, stop! It's not like that. It's cold yes, the wind makes it worse yes, the rain don't help yes, I'm thankful I was born in summer all my life, Malaysia yes but you adapt, you assimilate and you enjoy.

What will the morrow bring? Who cares? I don't. I know I'll enjoy it whatever the bazookas it is.

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